Lose Those Nagging, Foggy Feelings About Your Lesson Planning & Feel Confident That You Are Providing Standards-Based Preschool, Pre-K, & TK Lessons That Are FUN!


Teaching a quality play-based preschool class is easy….

…said no one ever.

I know that teaching preschool should be fun,

developmentally appropriate and based on ECE standards.

But walk into ANY classroom and you’ll see that teachers feel confused about how to fuse academics with play-based learning

“I feel so tired and exhausted everyday.”

“I don’t understand how to make learning Math and Letters PLAYFUL.”

“My students aren't engaged in the activities suggested in my curriculum.”

“I don’t know what to say when my director questions what I am doing with my students.”

“How do I know if my students are learning?”

“I want to meet the standards in a way the kids and I feel empowered!”

“I’m stressed every weekend with all the planning and prep.”

Don’t feel bad that you are frustrated. Seriously. It’s normal.

I know you're not going to believe me, but the cure for all this stress is really very simple.

All your conflicting feelings about your lessons and classroom culture

stem from two things: Beliefs & Expectations.

Hear me out on this…

Many of these beliefs and expectations are completely bananas, unrealistic,

wrong, and made up in fantasyland by people who have never seen a preschool classroom.

What if we could change our expectations and beliefs about what our what we should be doing? Those negative feelings would disappear…and in its place…

Knowledge, confidence, and empowerment.


The benefits of my program are far reaching for teachers & students.

  • Less overwhelm when planning and trying to make learning the standards fun

  • More understanding of what’s “developmentally appropriate” in terms of activities & centers

  • Easy ways to fit multiple standards into activities to make every minute full of fun & learning

  • Lesson plans you can print and turn in to your director or principal with standards listed for every activity & center

  • Simple prep plus lists of all the books and supplies you will need for the week

And since 2015, Ive been creating Preschool activities and lesson plans based on ECE standards, and solid research that young children learn through PLAY. Problem is…these activities are spread out over lots of different resources.

That’s when I had the idea for a no-fuss subscription where I’d drop 4 thoughtfully planned, timely, and standards-based lesson plans per month into your inbox and help you turn all those frustrated, foggy feelings into knowledge you can use in your classroom.

So I did.

That's why I am so excited to bring you

The Preschool Lesson Plan Subscription That is ECE Standards-based, Play-based & Done-for-you! So You Can Have More Time for Yourself And Less Time Planning!


  • 4 Timely & Themed Preschool Lesson Plans Activities Complete With Lesson Plan to Print & Follow

  • Lesson Plans for Each Theme Coded to ECE Core Standards, Play-based, & Developmentally Appropriate

  • All Lesson Plans Include enough Math, Literacy, Songs, Social/Emotional, STEM or Science, Fine Motor, and Fine Arts Activities for an Entire Week!

Nothing extra* to distract you from the very important task of developing and nurturing young minds.

*Except This Cool Side Benefit: you know without a doubt that you are the best and most well-planned teacher at your school!

Types Of Problems These Lesson Plans Will Solve:

How to figure out if your Centers and activities meet ECE standards

What you can add to your circle time to make it more fun

How can you make social/emotional activities part of your routine

What's a good circle time song and/or chant to go with your theme?

What books are these best for each theme?

Am I meeting the standards in all areas of my classroom?

What Science and/or Stem activity will work with my theme??

Literally a roadmap for Kindergarten readiness

How to make math & literacy centers playful

Eliminates "dead time"

Helps you keep the happy chaos a little more controlled!

Time wasted searching Pinterest hoping to find the perfect activity

No more searching for your standard codes

Lesson Planning?...its DONE!

How to become an amazing and intentional Early Childhood Educator

Spending excess time on planning and prep

No more Sunday Scaries!

Preschool Planned is perfect for Teachers who:

  • Are busy and need to know they have a great standards-based lesson plan at the ready

  • Are new and want to feel confident in their planning

  • Need to supplement their current curriculum

  • Need help making teacher-led centers engaging and playful

  • Any Preschool/Pre-K/TK teacher who could use some simple shortcuts

  • Who are looking for a quality standards and play-based curriculum they can use all year!


Monthly Price

$15/mo ($24 value)

4 Timely & Themed Preschool Lesson Plans Activities Complete With Lesson Plan to Print & Follow

All Lesson Plans Include enough Math, Literacy, Songs, Social/Emotional, STEM or Science, Fine Motor, and Fine Arts Activities for an Entire Week!

12-month Annual Subscription Available for discounted rate of $120 per year!

Delivered to your inbox each month!


$5/mo ($30 annual)

4 Timely & Themed Preschool Lesson Plans Activities Complete With Lesson Plan to Print & Follow

All Lesson Plans Include enough Math, Literacy, Songs, Social/Emotional, STEM or Science, Fine Motor, and Fine Arts Activities for an Entire Week!

Plus 4 Related Dramatic Play Kits!

12-month Annual DP VIP Subscription Available for discounted rate of $150 per year!

Delivered to your inbox each month!

About Your Curriculum Creator, & New Teacher BFF

Diane Lee

I am a 16 year veteran teacher of early childhood education. I focus on play-based activities that align with all state core education standards for early childhood. I believe that play is the way young children learn and thrive!

My Classroom Confidence Guarantee :)

  • Every Plan is Easy to Prep

  • Each Plan is ECE standards-based

  • They will be Time & Sanity Savers!

Cancel anytime, no hassle no problem - reach out to [email protected] to the nicest, most helpful customer support team in the Preschool Curriculum universe and beyond.


Still Not Sure? Get One Lesson Plan For Free…On Me!

YES! Try before you buy. I think you will love it! (and so will your kiddos)

Right below I'm gifting you one play-based & standards-based lesson plan so you can see exactly what you’re getting. If you’re not ready to subscribe now, no worries. This free sample delivers the MINUTE you sign up too!

“Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together” - Scott Hayden

Frequently Asked Questions.

What type of curriculum is Preschool Planned?

Preschool Planned is a Spiraling Curriculum.
It will introduce key concepts that build foundational knowledge and skills that students need. A spiraling curriculum introduces new information gradually, increasing the level of difficulty as students master each stage. It provides opportunities for students to practice and apply what they have learned in different contexts. A spiraling curriculum promotes deeper learning and retention by revisiting and building upon key concepts over time.

How is this different from other lesson plans I have?

These lesson plans have over 15 years of high-quality Preschool and Prekindergarten instruction behind them. They will lay a solid foundation for growth across the developmental spectrum. Plus, the integration of Fine Arts, Fine Motor, Science, and Social/Emotional activities in this unit will help the teacher Bring more ECE standards into their lesson planning.

Can I use the plans to supplement my school curriculum?

You bet! Since you know the activities are ECE standards based, you can easily slide the centers and activities into your current curriculum when you need something more. There are songs, chants, and other circle time activities included in every lesson plan that will give you more options during that critical time of your day

You could keep groping in the dark making lesson plans that are leaving you questioning ...

Or you can take the small but mighty step into the world of balanced standards and play-based learning, teacher confidence, and more free time! AND you will feel secure in the knowledge that you are fully prepared and ready to go each week!

And for those of you already using a school curriculum, you will have even more to choose from to make your circle time, whole group time, and center time the BEST it can be!

I can’t wait to help!

xx Diane


Monthly Price

$15/mo ($24 value)

4 Timely & Themed Preschool Lesson Plans Activities Complete With Lesson Plan to Print & Follow

All Lesson Plans Include enough Math, Literacy, Songs, Social/Emotional, STEM or Science, Fine Motor, and Fine Arts Activities for an Entire Week!

12-month Annual Subscription Available for discounted rate of $120 per year!

Delivered to your inbox each month!


$5/mo ($30 annual)

4 Timely & Themed Preschool Lesson Plans Activities Complete With Lesson Plan to Print & Follow

All Lesson Plans Include enough Math, Literacy, Songs, Social/Emotional, STEM or Science, Fine Motor, and Fine Arts Activities for an Entire Week!

Plus 4 Related Dramatic Play Kits!

12-month Annual DP VIP Subscription Available for discounted rate of $150 per year!

Delivered to your inbox each month!

“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” - Albert Einstein